If you had met me a few years ago you might have been impressed by my motivation, my health, or maybe even my sun-kissed tan...or maybe not impressed at all, haha.
I used to be pretty fit and ran, cycled and swam my way the week in preparation for regular weekend triathlons and corporate athletic events. I loved the way excercise made me feel, how healthier I ate and how alert at work I would be after getting my heart pumping!
Over the last 12months or so I have totally gone down hill, I have been sick, stressed out from study, busy with Luke and I'm sure many more (weak) excuses which stopped me excercising. But at the end of the day I have regretted letting myself get out of shape and lose my fitness.
Bring on a bit of sunshine in the past week and running is back on my agenda. I feel like I'm starting my running journey over again (yeh I know I'm making it sound very deep and inspired, haha).
My workmate who first made me sign up to the Life Be In It Corporate Cup (which led to the City to Bay which led to the BRW corporate triathlon which led to regular triathlons...) has signed us up again. Wednesday was our first run and boy, we have plenty of improving to do!
Very impressed with reading about your athletic achievements,did not know you used to do all that clever stuff.