Sunday, November 13, 2011

Things I Love...Styling...

Waiting at the bus stop a few days ago I was admiring the colours of the roses outside the local church. They were nearly past their use-by date and I knew they weren’t going to last much longer so later that night Luke and I wandered down there and I….umm…borrowed(?) some to make my own little styled set-up.

Luke and I have a great cane chair that we picked up at a second-hand store a while back to use on location shoots so I had grand plans to set-up the roses and other little pretty things around the house to pull together my idea.

We live in a unit which adjoins 3 others so I’m not sure what our neighbours thought of me setting this up on the front lawn as I started snapping away!

I absolutely love the colours of the roses together combined with the mirror photo frame. The photo in the frame is one Luke and I took at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens last year (we did our own little photo shoot on self-timer and then gave the pics to family for Christmas).

Enjoy. X

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